Apa maksudnya “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit..” ??

Inilah potongan kalimat2 yang sering muncul di berbagai teks atau karya grafis, terdengar aneh sekali bagi orang awam, tapi sudah sangat khas dan bermanfaat bagi orang2 di bidang desain, IT, dan jurnalistik 😬✍️

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”

Lalu apa maksudnya? Apa sejenis mantra atau kalimat wajib buat orang desainer dan publishing?
Boleh dibilang ini adalah semacam text free of copyright, dummy text, bebas dipakai siapa saja. Text ini biasanya dipakai jadi template default teks dalam sebuah karya desain seperti namecard, web design, poster, media cetak, dsb yang belum memiliki karya tulis sendiri.
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Medan – Tebing Tinggi (Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu Int. Airport – Tebing Tinggi) Toll Road Project

Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu Int. Airport – Tebing Tinggi Toll Road is an ongoing Toll Project in North Sumatra, connecting Medan to Tebing Tinggi (hence it is common to mention it as Medan – Tebing Tinggi Toll Road). A tentative date hasn’t yet to be revealed but the target for the operation of this toll road for public is by the beginning of 2018.

Jalan Tol Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu Int. Airport – Tebing Tinggi adalah proyek jalan tol yang saat ini sedang dikerjakan di Propinsi Sumatra Utara, menghubungkan Medan dan Kota Tebing Tinggi (umumny orang lebih suka menyebut Jalan Tol Medan – Tebing Tinggi). Belum ada waktu tentatif/prediksi yang diumumkan namun target operasional jalan tol ke publik adalah pada awal tahun 2018.

The toll runs across Deli Serdang and Serdang Bedagai District, starts from the Belmera Toll Road (Belawan – Medan – Tanjung Morawa) 2 km before Tanjung Morawa Toll Gate, and ends just before the border of Tebing Tinggi City. There is a 5 km junction begins from the middle (Parbarakan) connects the main toll road with Kuala Namu International Airport. Look at map below
Map of Medan - Tebing Tinggi Toll Road


(To see pictures of current construction of interchanges, click here Progress Interchange of Medan – Tebing Tinggi Toll Road (March 2017)

1. Tanjung Morawa Interchange

The 0 km point of Medan – Tebing Tinggi, where this toll road starts from existing Belawan – Medan – Tanjung Morawa (Belmera) toll road, just 1 km before the last exit Tanjung Morawa Toll Gate. As it stands, the interchange construction isn’t started yet, still on land clearance phase.

2. Parbarakan Interchange

This interchange serves as the intersection with Kuala Namu International Airport Junction, located in Parbarakan, app. 10 km from Tanjung Morawa Interchange.

3. Paluh Kemiri Interchange & Toll Gate
This is the Interchange which is very close to RS Grand Medistra Overpass. In original map, it wasn’t clear where the end of this interchange and the Toll Gate will be. Later as the project progresses, it is now firm that the Toll Gate access is to the National Highway, just close to RS. Grand Medistra.
The interchange isn’t on the main Toll Road, instead it is on Kuala Namu International Airport Junction.

Gerbang Tol Paluh Kemiri (Maret 2017) – Progress Jalan Tol Medan Tebing Tinggi

4. Lubuk Pakam Interchange & Toll Gate
This is the 1st Interchange from the Medan/Tanjung Morawa side, and as the name says, connects to Lubuk Pakam city. On the map it is clear that two Toll Gates connects to Lubuk Pakam city, the 1st Paluh Kemiri Gate is to the Western side / Government Area of Lubuk Pakam while the 2nd Lubuk Pakam is to the Eastern Side of Lubuk Pakam City.
Cars from Perbaungan City want to go to Medan are recommended to use this Toll Gate instead of Perbaungan, because it’s closer.

Gerbang Tol Lubuk Pakam : Progress Jalan Tol Medan – Tebing Tinggi (Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi)

5. Perbaungan Interchange & Toll Gate

As I indicated above, Perbaungan Toll Gate is relatively far from the main city of Perbaungan. So for cars want to go to Tebing Tinggi or beyond (Pem. Siantar, Parapat, Kisaran) may use this toll gate (app. 10 to 15 minutes from Perbaungan city to the East, just follow the National Highway), but for those who want to go to Medan use Lubuk Pakam Toll Gate instead.
It is exactly located in Sei Sijenggi village, just 1-2 km after Bengkel village (a center of local traditional food and handcrafts courtesy of local people here). As of March 2017, the interchange is still on construction but the Toll Gate is on finishing stage.

Progress Tol Medan – Tebing Tinggi (Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi) : Gerbang Tol Perbaungan

6. Teluk Mengkudu Interchange & Toll Gate
This interchange distances around 45 km from Medan, serves as the exit to Teluk Mengkudu, Sialang Buah Beach, Firdaus Plantation and other plantations which are scattered around this point.

7. Rampah Interchange & Toll Gate
Rampah Interchange is the last interchange before the exit toll in Tebing Tinggi. It is located in Rampah, the capital city of Serdang Bedagai District, around 54 km from Medan. Around 1 km before Rampah city from Tebing Tinggi.

8. Tebing Tinggi Interchange & Toll Gate
Actually this interchange will serve as the beginning point of planned Kuala Tanjung – Tebing Tinggi – Pematang Siantar – Parapat Toll Road which is targeted to start construction by 2018. Vehicles will exit in Tebing Tinggi to the city, it is located around 1-2 km before the city border.


Overall, there are many overpasses along the toll road, but I just mention the ‘big’ ones here

1. Tanjung Morawa – Batang Kuis Artery Road Overpass
The first overpass, crossing Kuala Namu International Airport Access Road (Tanjung Morawa – Batang Kuis road). Construction is yet to begin, still on land clearance phase.

2. Tanjung Morawa Jalinsum – Suzuya Overpass
This is the second overpass of the Toll Road from Tanjung Morawa / Belmera side, crossing Eastern Sumatra National Highway.

Overpass Jalinsum Suzuya Tanjung Morawa – Progress Tol Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi (Medan – Tebing Tinggi)

3. Lubuk Pakam Jalinsum – RS. Grand Medistra Overpass
The third overpass which also crossing Eastern Sumatra National Highway, located exactly beside Grand Medistra Hospital. However it is not the main toll road, but the junction toll road to Kuala Namu International Airport, close to Parbarakan Interchange and Paluh Kemiri Exit Toll.

Overpass Jalinsum RS. Grand Medistra Lubuk Pakam (Maret 2017) – Progress Tol Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi (Medan – Tebing Tinggi)

PROGRESS INTERCHANGE – Jalan Tol Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi Januari – Maret 2017

1. Interchange Belmera (Tanjung Morawa)
Akan menjadi titik awal jalan tol TJM – KN – TBT, dimana tersambung langsung dengan Tol Belawan Medan Tanjung Morawa yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Titik kira2 1 km sebelum Gerbang Tol Tanjung Morawa
Status saat ini penimbunan lahan, mungkin bbrp hari lagi akan test pile

2. Interchange Perbarakan
Merupakan persimpangan antara jalan tol utama dengan Junction Tol Menuju Bandara Kuala Namu

http://s.pictub.club/2017/01/23/sPoT7G.jpg Continue reading

Jangan mati sebelum ke Tongging!

Review tempat wisata Danau Toba : Tongging – Silalahi – Taman Wisata Iman – Air Terjun Sipiso-piso

Satu cerita di suatu masa dalam hidupku

Setiap akhir taun kami selalu sibuk bikin rencana mau ngapain kalo pulang ke Medan. Setelah taun lalu kejebak macet berjam-jam di malam pergantian taun persis di depan alun-alun Merdeka, kapok dah nginep di hotel dalam kota lagi, mending tinggal di rumah. Tapi sebelum taun barunya biasanya saya ngajak keluarga pelesir. Dulu sih ke Parapat, Berastagi, taun lalu nginep di kampung istri di desa Juhar (desanya indah banget, tapi jauh banget dari Medan). Taun ini saya mutusin kita ke Tongging. Karena denger-denger pemandangan Toba yang terbaik adalah dari Tongging.

Tanggal 29 Desember berangkat. Melewati jalan Medan -Kabanjahe yang pagi itu ramai tapi ngga macet. Berenti sebentar di Peceren, menikmati jahe hangat dan kue wajik (bingung juga saya kenapa wajik sini ngetop banget ya, padahal biasa aja, cenderung keras menurut saya). Trus perjalanan lanjut lagi, lewatin Berastagi, Kabanjahe, terus ke arah Merek. Jalan Kabanjahe ke Merek ini ampun deh…banyak lubang dan keriting…itu…

View original post 1,165 more words

Treasuring North Sumatra Railway (KA Sumatra Utara & Aceh : Divre 1) – Pulo Brayan Railway Station

Still at the same time when I come to Belawan Railway Station, on a rainy afternoon I visited another old station, Pulo Brayan Railway Station. The station is reserved as a placeholder (Dipo) for trains in 1st Regional Division Indonesian Railway (Divre1) area. This station lies in between Medan downtown, Medan Railway Station, and Belawan Railway Station, the port city in the Northern area of Medan metropolitan.

Di waktu yang sama ketika saya mengunjungi Stasiun Kereta Api Belawan, siang yang hujan rintik-rintik, saya mengunjungi stasiun tua lainnya, Stasiun Kereta Api Pulo Brayan. Stasiun ini dipusatkan sebagai Dipo kereta api di area Divre 1 Kereta Api Indonesia. Stasiun ini terletak di jalur antara Kota Medan dengan Stasiun Belawan, dekat Pelabuhan Belawan yang ada di sebelah Utara Kota Medan.


The old station building is standing still. However due to inactivity on the station except for freight trains to Belawan Port, it is unused and looked more like a heritage building rather than an active operational station. The platform is quite spacey with some officers on standby. Train placeholder is located about 500 m in the northern side of the station.

Gedung stasiunnya masih ada dalam kedaaan baik. Namun karena jalur KA ini tidak aktif selain dari sejumlah KA barang menuju pelabuhan Belawan, gedung stasiun terlihat seperti sebuah bangunan peninggalan bersejarah dibanding gedung stasiun yang aktif. Bagian peron stasiun terlihat cukup luas dan ada sejumlah petugas KA yang standby. Dipo kereta terletak sekitar 500 meter sebelah Utara stasiun.

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Steve Morse Solo vs Ritchie Blackmore Solo??

Well I have tried to hear all the materials they have done, and sorry to you group of majority, my favorite is Steve Morse, even I really dig Purple classic Mk2 and Rainbow with Dio (In Rock and Rainbow Rising are both on my Top 10 best rock albums always).

Blackmore is Purple icon and a beast of a songwriter, no contest. He’s also a slightly better showman on stage, (Morse got that kind of charming side though). But I like more materials done by Morse rather than Blackmore, variety and technicality are the keywords (don’t say technical means playing without heart, this is not a factory job ffs).

Dixie Dregs and Steve Morse Band catalogue are unbelievable, the triumph of magical chemistry between those band members involved. 5 Grammies nominations on instrumental albums/performance and 5 times in-a-row best guitarists by Guitar Magazine are testaments to Morse ability. I even say Morse peak as musician comes with Dixie Dregs and his own band, not with Purple.

Man I tell you, one big reason over another reasons I love Morse catalogue because I think Blackmore wasted many of his time become popular MTV Band with those silly pop songs (yes Mr. Joe Lynn Turner, you’re involved), and then sadly he’s been spending the last two decades exploring the jungle of medieval with his blonde princess. I tried to love Blackmore’s Night material but ouch… You just imagine if he continued Rainbow with Dio.

Gerbang Tol Lubuk Pakam : Progress Jalan Tol Medan – Tebing Tinggi (Tanjung Morawa – Kuala Namu – Tebing Tinggi)

Gerbang tol Lubuk Pakam merupakan simpang tol ketiga dari arah Medan setelah interchange Perbarakan yang menuju Bandara Kuala Namu dan interchange Paluh Kemiri.

Dari arah Medan, lokasi gerbang tolny berada sekitar 2 km setelah lampu merah simpang empat Lubuk Pakam. Boleh dikatakan lebih ke arah Jalan Perbaungan / Jembatan Sungai Ular.

Gerbang tol ini nanti cocok dipakai oleh:

  1. Kendaraan dari Kota Perbaungan yang hendak menuju Medan (lebih dekat ke GT ini daripada ke GT Perbaungan yang masih harus ke arah Bengkel)
  2. Kendaraan dari sisi Timur Lubuk Pakam, Ramonia, Beringin, Pagar Merbau yang hendak menuju ke Medan
  3. Semua kendaraan dari arah Lubuk Pakam yang mau menuju ke Tebing Tinggi / Pematang Siantar.

Kalau kendaraan dari Kota Lubuk Pakam / Pemda / Stadion / Jalinsum Tj Morawa – Lubuk Pakam yang menuju Medan, lebih dekat menggunakan akses GT Paluh Kemiri ketimbang GT Lubuk Pakam, karena masih harus memutar jauh ke arah Timur, melewati macet di depan Terminal Bus dan Simpang Empat lampu merah.

Bagian Interchangenya sudah selesai dikerjakan sejak Tahun Baru. Berbeda dengan interchange di Paluh Kemiri, Perbaungan, dan Teluk Mengkudu yang sampai Maret 2017 masih dalam proses pengerjaan.

Kemudian dari atas jembatan interchange, terlihat bagian utama ruas jalan tol yang sudah selesai konstruksi, foto kiri ke arah Tebing / Pem. Siantar, foto kanan arah ke Medan

Akses tol ke GT Lubuk Pakam – Jalinsum juga sudah selesai, foto di kiri ke gerbang tol, foto di kanan arah ke interchange/bagian jalan tol utama


Di bawah ini foto2 lain area sekitar interchange, termasuk bagian bawah jalan dimana ada beberapa jalan kampung yang sudah bagus menghubungkan desa2 sekitar interchange Lubuk Pakam ini