My journey to Old Hyderabad (Charminar, the market, the streets, the foods)

In October 2010 I went to Hyderabad for AIESEC International Congress 2010 in India, in Indian School of Business. During the time off I use my space to visit the old Hyderabad in the SOuth of the city with my Polish friend, Adam.
It was located quite far away from the North West where the ISB is located. I travelled there by bus. Funny enough I had difficulty when trying to check which bus I could use to reach Old Hyderabad. But after minutes of thinking, I finally can say ‘Charminar’ to the bus driver and after several buses I finally get it. I jumped on the bus at 2.30 PM and finally reach the bus station near Charminar at 3.30 PM.

When on the bus, I got the indication of old Hyderabad by simply seeing so many Indian Muslims with traditional dress and string of mosques on the street, quite different to what I’ve seen in the ‘new’ Hyderabad (people called it Secunderabad) which somehow luxury and has modern life with less-religious aura (you know, malls, fashion store, wide street, ‘executive’ cars, people with lavish coats)

The Charminar itself..

Picture of Boats to cross Toba Lake in my Home Village

Those are the ships that daily serves country people from my home village (Sihotang) to cross the Toba Lake. The journey will take average 15 minutes (25 minutes in the evening) with capacity up to 20 people. Daily it usually take 5-10 people except during the weekly-market-day or if there is party or event held at either side of the land. It costs IDR 4000 for each cross so it is unbelievably cheap. The ship’s owner will usually employ a few country people to manage and drive the ship every day, that’s a good work.

You can find a lot of this type of water transportation in many villages around Toba Lake. A great short journey by ship I tell ya, what a brilliant view from the ship. I usually just stand above the flat ship, not prefer to sit down inside with other passengers.




Apa itu Blog?

Mungkin udah banyak sahabat pena yang sering membaca mengenai pengertian blog. Di sini aku coba uraikan sedikit lagi

1. Pengertian teknis blog
Blog adalah kependekan dari weblog. Blog adalah sebuah istilah yang digunakan untuk sebuah website yang berisi informasi-informasi yang selalu diperbarui (disebut dengan istilah posting)

2. Mengapa blogger meng-update blog?
Sebuah blog biasanya selalu diupdate, dalam arti pemilik blog akan menambahkan postingan2 terbaru entah itu opini, artikel, foto dan komentarnya, dsb.

3. Apa saja isi blog?
Konten atau topik blog juga beragam, mulai dari personal hingga ke politik dan bisa juga fokus ke hal yang sifatnya spesifik maupun lebih luas. Umumnya blog memilik topik tertentu, misalnya memancing, home industry, olahraga, bursa saham, disain web, handphone, dan sebagainya. Beberapa blog mungkin bisa merangkum berbagai subyek dan berisi link-link ke situs lain yang terkait. Sementara blog lainnya lebih personal, seperti diari pribadi yang berisi kehidupan sehari-hari dan pikiran-pikiran penulisnya.

4. Terus apa bedanya dengan website yang biasa ditemukan atau di-surfing di Internet?
Website dibuat secara profesional dan memiliki berbagai tujuan yang tidak melulu sekedar berbagi informasi (blog lebih dilihat sebagai sarana berbagi informasi dan mengekspresikan diri). Ada fitur data base yang menjadi sumber data yang akan diakses saat pengguna menjalankan website, ada desain profesional yang memiliki pertimbangan estetika dan integritas pemilik website, serta ada fitur sekuriti yang harus sangat diperhatikan oleh pemilik web.
Karena itulah untuk membuat website dan di-upload ke Internet, pemilik harus membayar sejumlah tertentu kepada perusahaan hosting, umumnya setahun atau dua tahun. Jasa hosting akan memberikan berbagai layanan seperti mail, ftp server, maksimum jumlah data yang ditampung, serta lama berlangganan. Setelah hosting berakhir dan pemilik web tidak melanjutkan sewa hosting, maka website itupun menjadi almarhum. Website biasanya dimiliki perusahaan, organisasi, lembaga, dan profesional, serta pribadi. Untuk pribadi, biasanya ada pertimbangan gengsi karena memiliki website pribadi.

Dan perlu diketahui, membuat blog tidak akan ada berurusan dengan hal2 yang aku sebutkan di paragraf di atas! Termasuk blog akan bertahan selamanya, tidak ada urusan sewa hosting atau sejenisnya. Meskipun demikian ada batasan kapasitas blog menampung data, namun itu sangat besar dan tidak banyak membuat masalah.

5. Gimana aku bisa buat blog? Apa langkah pertamanya?
Saat ini ada dua server blog yang paling terkenal di dunia, tentu saja karena GRATIS. Si Peminat tinggal masuk ke websitenya ( atau, lalu klik menu membuat blog baru. Ada koq server Indonesianya, tinggal ganti .com –>
Kemudian selesaikan registrasi (termasuk memberi nama blog) dan tunggu email konfirmasi di mail box, dan klik konfirmasi. Jadi deh blog-nya.

6. Setelah blog jadi, apa yang dapat aku lakukan?
Masuk ke alamat blog yang telah dibuat, kemudian login. Setelah login user akan punya right Admin yang berarti dapat membuat, meng-edit, atau menghapus postingan. Kamu bisa mulai membuat suatu artikel dengan mengetik di kotak postingan, lalu klik update post, dan artikel itu pun akan muncul di halaman utama blog, yang bila orang lain membuka alamat blog kamu, akan dapat membaca postingan tersebut.

7. Apa gambaran sekilas mengenai sebuah blog?

1. Konten utama yang tampil secara kronologis waktu, artikel terbaru letaknya diatas. Artikel-artikel itu juga seringkali dikelompokkan menjadi kategori.
2. Sebuah archive (arsip) yang berisi artikel-artikel lama.
3. Sebuah fasilitas komentar untuk pengunjung blog.
4. Sebuah daftar link ke situs-situs terkait, di wordpress biasanya disebut blogroll.
5. Sebuah fasilitas berlangganan update blog agar pengunjung bisa selalu mengikuti perkembangan blog. Disebut juga feed seperti RSS, Atom, atau file RDF.

The Godfather of Terrorist is Dead


>Osama bin Laden Killed: ‘Justice Is Done,’ President Says

By DEAN SCHABNER and KAREN TRAVERS (@karentravers)
May 1, 2011

Osama bin Laden, hunted as the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, has been killed, President Obama announced tonight.

The president called the killing of bin Laden the “most significant achievement to date” in the effort to defeat al Qaeda.

“Justice has been done,” Obama said.

Bin Laden was located at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which was monitored and when the time was determined to be right, the president said, he authorized a “targeted operation.”

“A small team of Americans carried out the operation,” Obama said. “After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

DNA testing confirmed that it was bin Laden, sources told ABC News.

Obama said tonight that he was briefed last August on a possible but “far from certain” lead to bin Laden, but it took many months for the intelligence community to “run this thread to ground.”

“I met repeatedly with my National Security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located Bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside Pakistan,” the president said.

“Finally, last week I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice,” he said.

Sources said the attack was carried out by Joint Special Operations Command forces working with the CIA.
PHOTO: Osama bin Laden
AP Photo
This April 1998 photo shows al Qaeda leader… View Full Size
Bin Laden Compound Raid: First Look Inside Watch Video
Bin Laden’s Dead: Top Secret Operation Watch Video
Osama Bin Laden Killed Near Islamabad Watch Video

Vice President Biden briefed Republican congressional leaders this evening on the operation, which had been kept secret until shortly before the president’s announcement tonight.

Former President George W. Bush said in a statement tonight that Obama called him to inform him of the news of bin Laden’s death.

Bush called the operation a “momentous achievement” that “marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.

“I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude,” the former president said in a statement. “The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”

Outside the White House, a crowd of about 200 people has gathered with American flags. They are singing the Star Spangled banner and chanting “USA USA”

This major development in the war on terror comes just days after Obama announced significant changes to his national security team.

Last week the president announced that CIA Director Leon Panetta will replace Secretary of Defense Robert Gates when he retires this summer. Gen. David Petraeus, the nation’s most high-profile soldier, will become the head of the CIA.

In addition to overseeing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Petraeus, a four-star general, is the head of the U.S. Central Command, where his portfolio includes some of the world’s most critical hotspots, including Yemen and Pakistan.

Bin Laden’s death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw him go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.

Bin Laden created and funded the al Qaeda terror network, which was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. The Saudi exile had been a man on the run since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan overthrew the ruling Taliban regime, which harbored bin Laden.

In a video filmed two months after the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden gloated about the attack, saying it had exceeded even his “optimistic” calculations

What a refreshing story..
After turmoil years with stories of terrorists color every front page of world newspapers across the last decade, now we can hear a very good news. The Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of almost every terrorist movements and mass-killing action in the name of religion and jihad to kill all the ‘enemies’ of their world by courtesy of suicide bombs, blasts, free shoots, drugs, kidnappings, is now reported death.

Regardless of how the US Navy Seals killed him, it is a story that will be very well accepted among all the living humans all over the world.
Yes it is not necessary saying that all the terror organizations and idiot humans will stop, but at least the death of Osama gives a very big kick on their teeth, and the world is now more optimistic to face and end terrorism.

view from Pulo Brayan fly over

This is the view from Pulo Brayan fly over in Pulo Brayan, Medan city.
From here we can see towards the South. Under the bridge, we can see some old railway warehouses and some typical slum houses beside the railways.
The railway itself is still used for trains carrying loads and passengers from Medan Station to Belawan and vice versa