My Top 10 : My Greatest Movie Moments

When watching movies, there are always moments that really appeal to our hearts, ones that remain after we finished watching movie and hard to forget. Most of these moments I watched during my childhood with pure emotion, which is why I really took them fully as a growing kid. I take aside comedy scenes and action scenes as I put them into dedicated lists on my blog

Hope you enjoy my list 🙂

1. The train’s action scene and passengers saving Spiderman body (Spiderman 2)
The high-speed-train action scene is regarded as the trademark of Spiderman 2(you know that memorable Spiderman’s torned shirt when he tried to hold the train, don’t you?). However, what touched me deeply is the succeeded scene. After Spiderman successfully stopped the train at the edge of the broken railway, he passed out and almost falling. But the passengers suddenly catch him, take him into the train, lift and bring him up to the inside with their show of hands. Following are some momentary impressed and sympathetic words from those passengers, especially after Spiderman real face is revealed after his broken mask. That includes their promise not to broke his real face to other people. And when the villain Octavius enter the train to capture Spiderman, with no hesitation all the passengers one by one step forward to deter his way. Of course Octavious gets the hero with his unmatched power, but the responses demonstrated by the passengers are reflecting their true feelings to the hero who has just saved their lives.

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My Top 10 : Indonesian Love Songs Favorit Sepanjang Masa

Tema cinta adalah makanan pokok bagi para penggubah lagu / musisi baik di Indonesia maupun di tempat2 lainnya di belahan bumi ini. Ini karena ‘love song’ memiliki karakter universal, dapat dengan mudah diterima berbagai kalangan baik tua dan muda, serta setidaknya pernah dirasakan oleh setiap orang dalam perjalanan hidup masing2 🙂

Berikut ini lagu-lagu cinta favorit saya, yang menurutku adalah karya yang indah dan menyentuh perasaan banget, baik dari segi lirik, melodi, maupun aransemen musik. Please enjoy, monggo kalo ada selera yang berbeda, silakan di-share di kolom komen. Oh ya, List ini tidak disusun secara berurutan, jadi urutannya ga ada patokan. En please, jangan tanya ya dimana Peterpan “Ada Apa Denganmu”, ST12 “Jangan Pernah Berubah”, atau Wali “Cari Jodoh”:D

Semoga berkenan 🙂


1. KLa Project : Tak Bisa Ke Lain Hati

Hayo, masa ga pernah dengar frase “aku tak bisa pindah ke lain hati”? Terima kasih pada KLa Project yg mempopulerkan lagu ini dengan potongan lirikny yang puitis sekaligu memorable itu. Bercerita tentang kesetiaan hati seseorang….ah, bisa ngerti sendiri kan isi lirik lagu puitis ini 🙂
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